Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The October Newsletter

Moonbeams and Moonlight

Here you will find the latest happenings with the award-winning picture book, Moonlight Memoirs - Remembering that Family and Friends are Forever, written by Maggie Mei Lewis and illustrated by Melody Lea Lamb.


Moonbeam Children's Book Awards

We are thrilled to announce that Moonlight Memoirs is one of three finalists in the 2010 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards for Best First Book, Picture Books. We will know which medal (gold, silver or bronze) Maggie and Melody won by mid-October. The Moonbeam Children's Book Awards is designed to bring increased recognition to exemplary children's books and their creators and to support childhood literacy and life-long reading. We will be attending the Awards Ceremony at the Traverse City, Michigan Children's Book Festival on November 13, 2010.

Melody Runs for the Critters
Moonlight Memoirs'
illustrator, Melody Lea Lamb, raised $1500 for animal charity while running DATA[ the six mile George Coope Memorial Race in Adams, MA on September 19, 2010. We were honored to help by donating to the Old Dog Haven, where senior dogs live out their lives in a loving environment. Congratulations, Melody! Way to Go!
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Be the Star You Are
Maggie Mei's live interview with Cynthia Brian, the Oprah of the Airwaves, will be re-broadcast on Thursday, October 14 at 3 PM Pacific Daylight Time. Listen in!

New Accounts!
Moonlight Memoirs is now available locally at Franklin's Toy Store, Blooms Florist, and Hard Bean Coffee and Booksellers. It is also available nationwide at Borders and Barnes & Noble, plus Amazon and our website!

Events on the Horizon
Boat Show Book Signings - Maggie will be signing books in front of the Hard Bean Coffee and Booksellers downtown Annapolis during the Sailboat Show (October 7&8) and the Powerboat Show (October 15). Look for the Moonlight Memoirs banner across from Market House.

Local Author Night - Maggie will be signing books at the Odenton Library during Local Author night on October 13, 2010 6-8 PM. Join us!

Moonlight Memoirs' Second Printing - We will be accepting delivery of 3,000 more books this month. Now to find a place to store them!

The Rest of the Story
Provide comfort to a military family grieving the loss of a loved one by donating to the Tragedy Assistance Program for Suvivors (TAPS) at our website.

Remember to visit the Moonlight Memoirs Cafe Press Store!