Saturday, November 5, 2011

Moonlight Memoirs at the Chicago Booksigning

Maggie Mei Lewis at the National Funeral Director's Association
I just got back from the Chicago Book Signing at the Nation Funeral Director's Association Annual Meeting in Illinois. I signed books at the NOMIS Publications booth from 12-5 on Monday, October 24th 2011. It was a great experience and I got to meet lots of wonderful people. NOMIS was wonderful to work with, and I thank them for giving me the opportunity to sign at the convention. The Chicago trip was short, but long enough. I wish I could have stayed to look at some of the famous art galleries around there, but I had to get home. It was strange to see all the taxi's there and how busy it was. It was nothing like Maryland.

My next upcoming signing is at The Freddie Mac Foundation Adoption Expo, November 12th 2011 from 11 am - 3 pm. I will most likely be signing at a table right outside the entrance into the expo, so stop by. For more information about the Adoption Expo, check out there website at:

I am also updating the blog, twitters, facebooks, and hopefully website so stay tuned for those exciting changes!