Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Highlights from 2011

Booksigning in Downtown Annapolis
Unreleased Memories of 2011

Here are some of the pictures from 2011 that never got posted. 
They are of me, Maggie Mei Lewis, at various Moonlight Memoirs signings. Looking at them make me think of all the fun times brought by them, along with the wonderful people I've met along the way and everyone who has helped me.

Booksigning at The Day of the Book Festival
Some of these include one at Barnes & Noble in the Harbour Center in Annapolis, Maryland, Signings in Downtown Annapolis for Boat Shows, and many different book festivals and events.
Booksigning for Midnight Madness

Thank you everyone for keeping up with Moonlight Memoirs.
Booksigning at Barnes & Noble
It means a lot to me and I hope my message in Moonlight Memoirs is read by those who need or want to hear it's message. 

2011 has been a really fun year, filled with great things, and I'm sure 2012 will offer fun opportunities along with rich life moments. Thank you everyone, and Happy 2012!

-Maggie Mei Lewis